How to Organize a Pantry

December 28, 2022

How to Organize a Pantry

Do you feel like you’re constantly fighting a losing battle against clutter and chaos in your pantry? Are you struggling to find space for all of your food storage containers, or trying to keep track of what’s in each container? Well, fear not! We will teach you how to organize your pantry like a pro. We will give you organization tips, as well as advice on the best ways to use our food storage containers. With our help, you’ll be able to create a streamlined and organized pantry that will make cooking and meal planning a breeze! 

Start by Investing in Food Storage Containers

If you already have a collection of food storage containers, you might be tempted to skip this step. Before you do, though, ask yourself whether your current containers are really working for you. Chances are, they aren’t. If they were, you probably wouldn’t be online learning how to organize a pantry. Consider this your permission to throw away all of your mismatched containers and lids and donate the matched sets that just don’t work for you. It’s time to treat yourself to an upgrade! With that out of the way, let’s talk about how the right containers will help you organize your pantry. 

One of the most important aspects of pantry organization is food storage. In order to keep your food fresh and your pantry organized, you’ll need to invest in some good food storage containers. We recommend our line of food storage containers, which are made from high-quality, environmentally friendly materials and come in a variety of sizes. Whether you’re looking for small containers to store spices or large containers to store bulk items, we have just what you need. Plus, they come in a variety of stylish colors and patterns to allow you to showcase your personality. 

treat yourself to an upgrade

In addition to food storage containers, another must-have for any well-organized pantry is insulated drinkware. Insulated drinkware is perfect for storing hot or cold beverages, but it can also help to keep your pantry organized. For example, you can use an insulated tumbler to store chocolate candies. Our insulated drinkware is made from premium materials and comes in a variety of sizes, so you can find the perfect option for your needs. Even if you don’t have a use for it in your pantry, it’s well worth investing in insulated drinkware to use in your day-to-day life.

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Finally, no pantry would be complete without reusable silicone bags. These versatile bags can be used for food storage, as well as for holding other items like small electronics or first aid supplies. Silicone is food-safe and easy to clean, making it the perfect material for food storage. Plus, our reusable silicone bags are collapsible, so they take up less space in your pantry than traditional food storage containers.

Empty Your Pantry

The next step to organizing your pantry is to empty it completely. This may seem like a daunting task, but it’s necessary to get a good sense of the space you have to work with, as well as to get rid of any expired food or other items that you no longer need. If you have unexpired food that you know you’ll never use, set it aside to donate to a local food pantry. You could even set up a little free pantry in your neighborhood where you and your neighbors can share your unneeded food with those who are less fortunate. 

Once your pantry is empty, take a few minutes to wipe down all of the surfaces. This will help you start with a clean slate and make organization easier. Consider adding shelf liners to make future cleanups easier. 

Sort Your Food by Type

Once your pantry is empty, it’s time to start sorting your food. Begin by grouping all of the dry goods together, such as cereals, pasta, snacks, etc. Then, group all of the canned goods together, followed by all of the baking supplies. This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for and will help you determine how much space you need for each type of food.

Now is the time to sort everything else you keep in your pantry, too, like bakeware, pots and pans, small appliances, etc. If you come across things that you rarely (or never) use, consider donating them if they are in good condition. Any items you no longer use because they are in poor condition should go in the trash — not back in your pantry.

take inventory pantry

Take Inventory

Once you’ve removed everything from the pantry and donated or thrown away things that are no longer of use to you, take inventory of what you have. Write down everything you have on hand, and make a list of things you’ll need to stock up on again. If, for example, you discovered that all of your dry pasta is outdated, you’ll want to replenish your supply on your next shopping trip. You’ll also want to be mindful of just how much you stock up on to avoid throwing it away again! Making lists of what you have and what you need will make it easier to shop without forgetting or overbuying anything.

Designate Zones in Your Pantry

The next step in pantry organization is to create zones. This simply means assigning a specific area of your pantry for each type of food. For example, you might have a baking zone, which would include all of your baking supplies, or a canned food zone, which would include all of your canned goods. This step is important because it will help you determine how to best utilize the space in your pantry. Plus, knowing exactly where everything goes will make it easier to keep your pantry neat and tidy. 

When deciding where to store each type of food, consider both the space you have available and how often you’ll need to access the food. For example, if you use certain spices more often than others, you might want to keep them in a drawer near the stove (rather than in the pantry), so they’re always within reach. On the other hand, if you only use certain baking supplies once in a while, you might want to store them on a high shelf or in a bin at the back of the pantry.

Consider drawing out a rough map of where everything will go once you put it back in the pantry. You don’t necessarily need to draw it to scale. Just putting the rough layout down on paper will make things much easier when you start refilling your pantry. And you can always tack the map inside the pantry when you’re finished, so the rest of your family will know where everything belongs. We can’t promise that will make your kids or spouse put the groceries away in the right places, but at least they won’t be able to use the “I didn't know where it was supposed to go” excuse when you call them out for jamming things in the wrong locations. 

food in silicone bags on shelves

Utilize Vertical Space

One mistake that many people make when organizing their pantries is failing to utilize vertical space. If you have a small pantry, it’s important to make use of the entire space, including the walls and ceiling. You can do this by installing shelves or racks on the walls, or by hanging baskets from the ceiling. This will help you make the most of your small space and keep your pantry organized.

If you don’t have a good place for storing pots and pans, consider installing hooks on an empty wall in your pantry. Hanging from the ceiling is a solid option, too, as long as they won’t hang low enough for you to bump your head on. This will not only clear up space in your cabinets or drawers but make it easier to grab the cookware you need when you're in a hurry. Just be sure to choose hooks that can support the weight of your pots and pans.

Make Use of the Door Too!

The door of your pantry is often overlooked, but it’s a great place to store certain items and keep them close at hand. If you have space on the inside of your pantry door, consider hanging a spice rack or installing a small shelf. This is also a great place to store food wrappers, aluminum foil, and other items that you use regularly. 

Create a Space for Your Kids

If you have kids, you can save yourself a lot of hassle and frustration by creating a space in the pantry that’s just for them. Fill it with their snacks, drinks, and other food items, and teach them to only grab food from that area. This will help prevent them from making a mess of your pantry (or eating all of your food) and will make it easier for you to keep things organized. Encourage them to let you know when something is running low, too, so you can keep their area stocked.

Consider involving your kids in the process. Let them help you choose which snacks to stock in their space, and let them decorate the area however they want. This will make it more fun for them and will help them take pride in keeping their part of the pantry tidy. This is especially effective for younger kids, but even tweens and teens enjoy having a space that’s their own.

use food storage containers

Put Things in Food Storage Containers

Now is the time to put those food storage containers to good use. Transfer your food items into airtight containers to help keep them fresh and to prevent spills. This is especially important for items like flour, sugar and cereal, which can easily spill and attract pests. 

Not only will food storage containers help keep your pantry organized, but they’ll also make it easier to see what you have on hand. When everything is stored in its own container, you won’t have to dig through a pile of boxes or bags to find what you’re looking for. 

Label Everything

Once you've put all of your food into food storage containers, it’s important to label them. This will help you know at a glance what’s inside each container, and it will make it easier to find what you need when you’re in a hurry. You can use a simple label maker or write the labels by hand. Just be sure to use a permanent marker so that the labels don’t rub off over time.

Load the Pantry Back Up

Once you’ve decided where everything will go, it’s time to start putting things away. Be sure to label food storage containers so you can easily find what you’re looking for, and use clear bins or baskets to store items so you can see what’s inside. With a little bit of effort, you can easily transform your pantry into an organized and user-friendly space. 

organized pantry shelves


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With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating a beautifully organized pantry that will make your life easier. So what are you waiting for? Get started today! And once you’ve organized your pantry, learn how to organize your freezer


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Natasha Breen/